Clark Internet Platform
Email Procedures

We are not a general service ISP. We support email only for hosted domains.

Email is created, sent, and received by an email program ("client").
Webmail (Roundcube) lets you read your mail in a Web browser.
Read your messages with popular email clients like Gmail, MacMail, Outlook, etc.
This page deals only with client setup. General information and terms of service for Clark Internet Email are here. For additional information about setting up clients, consult the instructions from your provider. Major points from several are provided at the following links.

Notice of outdated information is appreciated.


Email & Spam

Avoid Publicizing Contact Data
Don't post your address on websites. Make use of indirect contact methods.
Use Proper Mail Headers
Put your mailing list into the BCC field of your email program, avoid putting lists into TO or CC fields.

Clark Internet Webmail

Read your mail with a simple web interface. Appearance and features are similar to other POP or IMAP clients.
  1. Go to
  2. On your first visit, verify settings with your trainer.
  3. Sign in with your user ID (your email address) and password as originally assigned or as modified).
  4. You may wish to change your original password to secure it further.
  5. Read and respond to messages as with other mail clients.
  • To sort by any column, click its title.
  • To select options, see Settings (click cogwheel).
  • Recommended: Delete unneeded attachments frequently.

Using MacMail

As usual, it's easy with one minor exception, and it just works. If you have questions ask your Clark Internet advisor.
Select the "other" source server.

"Name" is to help you recognize the account among others you may use.

MacMail automatically sets User Name to the mailbox portion of address, but this is incorrect for our system and returns an error; overtype manually as shown and resubmit.
Adjust settings as shown for most users.

Using Gmail

Gmail formerly allowed other email providers to forward messages to a Gmail box; they have disallowed that approach. It is now necessary to import mail from other servers using Gmail's own transfer procedure. Here is our take on the procedure; other users' descriptions follow.

IMPORTANT: Gmail uses our server as a POP server, and by default messages will be transferred—not merely copied—to Gmail.

1. Navigate to the remote-accounts forms. (Cogwheel, Settings, Accounts...).
2. Choose Add a mail account.
3. Fill out the form
  • Username = example@example.com1
  • Password = original password assigned or one you have modified
  • POP Server =
  • Port ID = 25, 587, 1110, 9952
  • Check boxes as shown3.
  • Click Save Changes.
  1. The POP server is always
  2. Username = Use your full address at your hosted domain to access the Clark Internet server.
  3. Port = Usually 995; a different number such as 25, 587, 1110... may be required by Gmail, which does not reveal how it manages interactions among options, and we cannot help with variations. You may need to experiment.
  4. Options = check the secure option; we usually recommend checking the labeling option.
In a later step at Gmail, you should select the option to use Gmail as your sending (SMTP, send-as) server.

Another writer's instructions


Using Outlook

Surprise! It is not easy. Our point of departure is generic Windows. Your version may be different.

Create a Mail Account
  1. navigate through the menus Tools:Options:Accounts sequence to list your various Internet accounts
  2. choose your existing mail account, or Add to create a new mail account
  3. click Properties to add the name or descriptor for this account

The incoming mail server name is You can type something else here to recognize the account, but we recommend including the server name in the account name.

We're not trying to cover all the myriad exciting ways you could do this.

Recommended settings.
  • incoming server
    • server type is POP
    • name: unless your service representative has given you a different server name
  • outgoing (SMTP) server
    • name: as designated by your ISP unless you have been otherwise instructed by your Clark Internet representative.
    • account identity is your entire email address, e.g.,
    • password is per your own choice
    • if the servers are check the box for password authentication; ask your representative for details; else follow your ISP's instructions
Click OK to save the changes.

Additional Connection, Security, or Advanced settings may be required; these are outside the scope of this presentation.

Clark Internet is not responsible for the Windows-Outlook setup process. If you find yourself cursing or sobbing uncontrollably, seek help immediately from a qualified therapist specializing in sado-masochism. :-)


Using Hotmail

Log into Hotmail, and then scroll to the bottom of your folders list in your inbox and select “Add an e-mail account.”
Now enter in your email address and password for the account you want to add and click Next. Hotmail will try to automatically detect the settings for the account. Most email accounts from popular services such as Gmail are detected automatically.
If it cannot automatically find the settings, it will present you an Advanced options page. Here you can enter your email and password, as well as your user name, incoming mail server, port number, and SSL options. You can also choose whether or not to leave emails on that server when Hotmail downloads them. Make sure to leave this box checked if you want to still access your emails from the other account. If you aren’t sure what settings are required, check with your IT staff or ISP.

(Most of the time Hm gets this wrong. You should always fill in this form as shown.)
Hotmail will display a message to let you know it’s working on your account…

Now, you can choose where your email from newly added account will go. By default it will go into a new folder with that email account’s name, but you can OPTIONALLY choose to have it go to any folder including your inbox. Emails from this account will show a diamond on the corner, and you can choose which color of diamond you want as well. (IS THERE NO LIMIT to the talent of the folks at Hotmail? Imagine: An actual diamond shape you can color yourself, just as you did in first grade!)

Unix Mail



PORT: 995

Use SSL = yes

UNIX / Linux users, use your skilZ to set up your favorite client with these settings.